Structural basis of translation termination, rescue, and recycling in mammalian mitochondria
•mtRF1a triggers polypeptide release at canonical stop codons UAA and UAG•ICT1 rescues the mitoribosome when stalled on aberrant, truncated mRNAs•mtRRF mtEFG2 promote ribosome recycling by dissolution of intersubunit contacts•mtEFG2 is electrostatically sterically optimized for The mitochondrial translation system originates from a bacterial ancestor but has substantially diverged in course evolution. Here, we use single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) as screening tool to identify termination mechanisms describe them molecular detail. We show how factor 1a releases nascent chain it encounters UAG. Furthermore, define peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase ICT1 acts rescue mitoribosomes that have messages recover protein synthesis. Finally, present structural models detailing process explain dedicated elongation factor, EFG2 (mtEFG2), specialized cooperation with dissociate mitoribosomal subunits end process. Mitochondria are eukaryotic organelles proteobacterial origin. 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(Laurberg consists domains; which, domains II IV contacts center (SSU) Domain III corresponds motif, placed adjacent CCA tRNAMet peptidyl transferase (PTC) LSU. analogy RF1, I rather flexible contact (Korostelev low resolution, omitted model.Table 1EM collection refinement statisticsEM collection: All datasets collected FEI Company Titan Krios Falcon 3 DEDNo. micrographs10,63313,36519,767Pixel size (Å)1.391.391.087Defocus range (?m)0.5– 21–2.51–2.7Voltage (kV)300300300Electron dose (e?/Å2)404040Name 3D reconstruction55S: + tRNAMet55S: tRNAMet39S: mtEFG255S: tRNA(P/E)55S: tRNA(P/P) tRNA(E?)EMDB map entryEMDB: EMD-12527EMDB: EMD-12529EMDB: EMD-12567EMDB: EMD-12568EMDB: EMD-12569PDB coordinate entryPDB: 7NQHPDB: 7NQLPDB: 7NSHPDB: 7NSIPDB: 7NSJFinal no. particles47,04893,623224,73115,54526,001Resolution (Å) (FSC = 0.143) sharpening B factor?100.86?98.141543.579217.002717.9615Refinement validation statistics: Real-space PHENIXOverall model geometryClashscore (all atoms)4.189.487.728.167.90MolProbity score1.431.701.711.711.67RMSD (bonds)0.0040.0020.0020.0020.002RMSD (angles)0.9160.5430.5150.4770.467Ramachandran plot (%)Favored96.5396.8295.8397.1397.13Allowed3.413.184.152.852.86Outliers0. outliers (%) (%) plane (%)cis proline/general0.8/0.00.8/0.01.1/0.00.8/0.00.8/0.0Twisted proline/general0.1/0.00.1/0.00.0/0.00.1/0.00.0/0.0CaBLAM (%)1.711.551.901.551.57Validation RNASugar pucker (outlier/total)6/2,6513/2,6481/1,6115/2,64710/2,719Resolution estimates model-to-map correlationFSC (half maps; 0.143) (model versus full map; 0.5) (mask)0.80.770.820.740.83CC (box)0.750.620.630.710.78CC, model-map correlation; DED, direct electron
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عنوان ژورنال: Molecular Cell
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1097-4164', '1097-2765']